Useful Forms

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ARCs Form

Purchasing Additional Pension - via Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs) >>>

Additional pension can be purchased in multiples of £250 per year, up to the maximum of £5,000.
Cost is dependant on factors relating to age, sex and the length of the payment period selected.
Contracts may commence at any time up until the day before your 64th birthday.
ARCs are deducted monthly and are not indexed. However, contribution rates are subject to change in the future. Any revision would apply to existing contracts.


Want to join the LGPS? Complete this form and send it to your employer >>>

Advisory Note ~ Do I need to complete a nomination form?
You are strongly advised to complete one if you haven’t done so previously, in order that, in the event of your death, the Fund can make a payment to your nominated person(s) as quickly as possible. Without a nomination form, your wishes (that may have been expressed in the form of a will), will take time to process, particularly if instructions that have been left require probate or other formal processes. Completing a nomination form avoids any unnecessary delays at what can be a stressful time. The Fund will decide who to pay any monies to, but we will always take your wishes into account. If you have previously completed a nomination form, this will stand until such a time that another form is received. If you have previously completed a form, but cannot remember who you nominated, complete another form and this will automatically replace the previous form.

Nomination Form
Death in Service Benefit Lump Sum Nomination Form >>>

Advisory Note ~ What is the difference between a nomination form and the form which allows me to nominate a cohabiting partner for a survivor’s pension?
Firstly, the nomination form covers the lump-sum element only of LGPS benefits and applies to everyone. Pensions for nominated cohabiting partners were introduced in April 2008. To qualify, a member must have been a contributing member on or after 1 April 2008. If they are, then any service you may have had within the LGPS after April 1988 will count for a nominated cohabiting partner’s pension.

The following conditions must be fulfilled:

(These must have applied to both the member and your nominated cohabiting partner for a continuous period of at least two years on the date you both sign the nomination form.)

• both you and your nominated cohabiting partner are, and have been, free to marry each other or enter into a civil partnership with each other, and

• you and your nominated cohabiting partner have been living together as if you were husband and wife, or civil partners, and

• neither you or your nominated cohabiting partner have been living with someone else as if you/they were husband and wife or civil partners, and

• either your nominated cohabiting partner is financially dependent on you or you are financially interdependent on each other.

A LGPS member who nominates a cohabiting partner should be aware that on the death of the member, the Fund is required to verify that the conditions for paying a survivor’s pension have been satisfied. We may do this by, for example, asking for confirmation that you lived in a shared household with shared household spending, or your partner may be asked to demonstrate that you had a bank account or mortgage in joint names. There would be a right of appeal if we decide not to pay a pension and your partner believes that he/she has entitlement. The appropriate form to register a person for a nominated cohabiting partners pension is available below:

You do not need to complete a nominated cohabiting partner form if you are married or are in a registered civil partnership (same sex partnership), as these matters will already be covered.

Remember to let the Fund know of a change in your circumstances which could affect the nomination, or if you wish to cancel it.

Cohabiting Partner Nomination Form
Cohabiting Partner Nomination Form >>>

Online change of address form >>>





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